Dealing With Complexity

Hi! My name is Paula Chamorro, I am from Bogota, Colombia, and my background is in Industrial Design. At the beginning of my professional journey, I didn’t quite understand what Industrial Design really was and what I could do with it in my future, but I was very excited to start this new adventure. From the beginning of the program, I truly enjoyed every class, from art history to exploring shapes, structures, and uses of a product. At the end of my undergraduate studies, I realized I was more passionate about the research process prior to designing the shape of a product and got interested in social innovation practices. For this reason, I decided to go to graduate school and to pursue two master’s degree at SCAD.

As a current student of Design for Sustainability and Design Management, I focused on the research process, project management, and strategic planning. I have experience applying design as a tool to find solutions and new opportunities, as well as working and collaborating with multidisciplinary teams members. I have developed projects following human-centered directions as part of the design of a systematic social understanding. Because of this, it is essential for me to direct my work into ethnographic research to accomplish innovative goals geared towards human needs.

On the other hand as a foreign student from Colombia (born and raised in Colombia), I am familiar with indigenous communities and social innovation practices. I find it very interesting how these communities and their practices survived years of battles, extreme weather conditions, and adverse circumstances and understanding this has taken me to the point where I feel a sense of responsibility and I want to apply all of this traditional knowledge into my field. I believe it's a gift that my ancestors provided me. I would like to bring these learning experiences to the world. This is one of the reasons I think my professional practice, as a designer is different from other designer’s approach.

My indigenous roots, skin, and eyes color make me proud that I belong to a culture that is providing me key insights to solving some of the most complex problems the world is facing today. Additionally, after having some experience in the sustainability world, I found it very relevant how some organizations work towards finding opportunities to enhance people’s lives. In contrast, some people misunderstand the concept of design, narrowing it down as a practice to develop luxury products and targeting only 10% of the world’s population. Designing for the other 90% brings a lot of challenges on the table. As a designer, I decided to focus on the social and environmental goods, and it is my desire to give back to this world by using my knowledge and passion by developing a more sustainable and better future for all.

After this short introduction to my work and myself. I am going to introduce what I am working on for the last year. As a designer, I am working on the creation of an innovative framework for the non-profit social innovation organizations (NFSIO) in order to develop more successful and long-lasting results to create greater impact. I am doing that by analyzing some of these organizations and the problems they are facing right now. After doing some primary and secondary research, I found that social innovation organizations are multiplying and are becoming even more common in answer to multiple challenges and the much-needed transition towards sustainability. (Manzini, 2012). However, there are having problems by Addressing symptoms rather than underlying problems, looking for the obvious, achieving short-term gains that are undermined by long-term impacts, producing negative consequences that are unintentional and by addressing chronic and complex social problems with conventional understanding (Stroh 2015). Because of that is relevant to introduce systems complexity to better understand complex social problems and furthermore create solutions that look for long-term impact.  On the other hand, there is compelling evidence that methods behind creative fields are equally powerful in designing holistic processes for organizations. It embraces important design factors like collaboration through different disciplines and creating new models by systems thinking. (Lockwood, 2009).

I am in the final stage of my project. Where I am about to design a deliverable to improve outcomes of the NFSIO and create greater change in a transformative society that is driven by an ongoing change.

Project Research Scope and Relationships Between Areas of Study

Project Research Scope and Relationships Between Areas of Study